It’s Fall Y’all!

Fall is here! It is beautiful here this time of year!  Bright blue skies, colorful leaves and perfect temperatures. Not to mention pumpkin everything!  The decorations are fun, cider is delicious and all of the seasonal fall food is worth the wait! Many of our pets enjoy the fall weather too!  Cooler temperatures and less humidity than summer may mean longer walks and more time outside. Dogs can run through the piles of leaves and have a great time!  Cats may enjoy sitting by an open window and soaking up some sunlight. As the season’s change, so do some of the things that can affect our pet’s health. Many seasonal allergies flare up in the fall. This brings lots of itchy pets into our office for relief! The flea population has been building all summer long and is now reaching it’s peak. Fleas are everywhere!  They can be in your yard, in your garden, come in to the house through screens or on your shoes and pants. It is important to keep your dogs and cats on flea prevention even in the colder months. Ticks also generally make a fall “comeback” once the temperatures are cooler. Deer ticks are very common this time of year.  They can spread Lyme Disease to you and your pet. Tick prevention is key! We want to help keep your pet happy and healthy!  There are several new products that are very effective and much safer for your pet than some of the older therapies. Call us today to protect your pet from those pesky  parasites and to stop the itch!