Back to School!

Believe it or not, it’s that time again!  Students and teachers everywhere are heading back to school. What does this have to do with our pets you might ask?  For a lot of our dogs and cats, this may mean a change in routine. It might mean less attention and time spent petting Fluffy and playing fetch with Fido. Here are some pointers to ease the transition from summer back into reality for our four legged family members. 

  • Gradually adjust feeding times if needed
  • Be sure to spend active time with your dog outside each day
  • Take short trips during the day to get your animals used to being alone again or in their crates
  • Get a new toy or kong to make the crate an exciting and happy place for your dog to go while you are gone
  • Continue to be consistent with daily cleaning of litter boxes, giving pets fresh water, and their normal diet.
  • Make time to play with and/or pet your cat daily